Luke 10:1-3

. . . The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Start with a prayer

When God put the burden on the hearts of the founders. The burden started with prayers, for a month and so, they spent time in prayer and studying through the books of Acts. Since then, the ministry has stood on prayer. In the good times and hard, our staff and founders have found that nothing can ever replace the place of prayer in and for missions. This is call to you too, shall we pray to God for Gospel work globally. Gospel work is hard, its exhausting, yet more than anyone, God knows it, as He is the Lord of the harvest. Lets continue to trust His lead as we pray.

Subscribe to Our Weekly Prayer Letter for Indigenous Gospel Workers.

5 things you can pray for - Today

  • Prayers for the Unreached: 3.2 Billion people haven’t heard the Gospel yet. Pray that God will open doors for missionaries or Gospel workers to spread through the world and strategically reach these people. That God will soften their hearts towards the message of Hope. 
  • Prayers for Gospel Workers: The Decision to GO takes such a sacrifice. As you all can relate, like Abraham, it’s never easy to leave what you’re fond of to a new culture. It can put so much pressure on Gospel workers. Pray that God will guide, protect, and help them all through the journey to cope and grow. Pray that God will continue to care for them as they reach out with the message of Truth and that they can demonstrate the Love of Jesus to others and find encouragement in that too. 
  • Prayers for Mission financing: Mission workers and agencies invest much in support raising because they require resources to support and sustain ministries. Pray that God will grow their faith as the biggest resource in support raising ventures.  Ultimately, finances play a role; pray that agencies and Gospel workers do what they have to do well whilst serving in the field and be accountable for the resources God has provided for them. Please pray that God will continue to provide whatever they need as they rally mission work to the least and unreached. 
  • Prayers for Protection: We can never emphasis the magnitude of this. Please for protection for all missionaries and Gospel workers. Some have lost their lives serving in the field. Yet, our hope as always is the encouragement that their lives and ministry we never in vain. Like Stephen, “the blood of the matters is the seed for the Gospel.” Pray that God will protect their lives as they serve in hard-to-reach places and those among the persecuted Churches. Remember them in prayer. 
  • Prayers Church Plants: Pray that God will open doors for communities of believers, meeting and fellowshipping among all peoples and tribes. Pray that when all is said and done, God will raise up Church Plants in every least and unreached place where Gospel workers serve. 

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